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4 Places to Find New Product Ideas

As I’ve argued before, innovation is everything. Therefore, it’s important -no matter what you sell- to keep new products on the horizon. Not only does the simple fact of a product’s newness generate its own excitement, but a business that’s constantly seeking to better address customers’ needs is a business that keeps those customers for the long term. It’s the approach best articulated in Eric Ries’ The Lean Startup: staying in the game by staying fresh.

The challenge is in the execution. How can we constantly create and design new products? How do we decide what new products are needed? How do we know which are likely to sell? How can we be truly innovative, not just crank out ideas for their own sake?

The answer lies with the consumers. The best product ideas come from the people who will eventually buy them- whether they realize it or not. Often, even when asked, customers won’t directly describe the product they need. They will, however, describe what they want it to do. They won’t ask for a salad spinner; they’ll ask for dry lettuce. They won’t ask for a cupholder; they’ll ask for a place to put their coffee. They won’t ask for a selfie stick; they’ll ask for the inevitable downfall of society, presumably. Your job is to listen, and respond with creativity.

There are many places to listen. They’re accessible to every businessperson. All it takes to profit from them is the ingenuity to hear the sound of a product coming through…

1. Your Website 

Specifically, your blogs. If you’re not blogging, you’re not innovating. This is because the act of blogging is the act of consciously tracking the progress of your industry. It’s an open journal through which you discuss your take on the industry, and prompt customers to share theirs. Blogs are where the conversation with your audience begins.

Use analytics to your advantage and track the response to your blogs. Which posts generated the biggest response? What was liked and shared? More importantly, what do the comments indicate? The comments section of an industry blog is really the first place consumers go to vent their feelings and express their opinion on what an industry needs, so read through them.

Try to get a sense of the consensus- is there something that most or all of them need? Is there a common complaint? Is there an existing product that you could modify or sell yourself in order to meet their needs? Look to your most popular blogs and start there. Look to the blogs of competitors. Somewhere among the people’s reactions is a request for a product.

2. Amazon 

Yes, that Amazon. One great thing about Amazon is its huge catalogue of consumer reviews. That information is a gold mine for the innovative entrepreneur, if he or she is willing to put the time in digging. It’s where customers love to vent, talk at length about their preferences, and (more importantly) articulate their desires.

Focus on 3 star reviews, as they’re likely to be the most objective (anything higher probably represents loyal “fan” or a customer too satisfied for you to help, anything lower is likely to be irrelevant). By reading reviews from those who aren’t exactly dissatisfied but are still looking for something better, you can get a sense of exactly what they need. Why didn’t they give that extra star? What could have made them do so? What did the creator of this product fail to provide that you can? The answer is somewhere in those last ungiven stars

This takes time, but it’s time well spent. Consider it research and development. As you read, record the patterns that you notice. Do many of the products’ shortcomings fall into the same category? Record the frequency of similar complaints to get a sense of what the customer base is crying out for. Find the gaps in the service they’re being provided, and ask yourself what product could fill them. Whatever it is, you can count on the fact that every one of those reviewers will be interested in buying it.

3. Facebook Groups 

Facebook isn’t just for kitten pics and ill-informed politics. Search through any of the groups relevant to your industry, and get involved. Join the groups and interact. Answer questions, converse, and network. By establishing a rapport with a group, you expose yourself to a wellspring of their wants and needs- and a wellspring of product ideas.

In fact, you can start your own group, directing and maintaining a long-term discussion of what customers like, dislike, need and want. By tapping into this cyber-scene, you avail yourself of a massive resource: the customers’ expertise in themselves.

4. Conferences 

Finally, the physical world boasts a few places to cruise for inspiration. The best are conferences, featuring experts and high-profile figures in almost every industry. Going to conferences is like plunging yourself into the hive; the hotbed of excitement, enthusiasm, and dedication to a particular industry.

At the conference, keep your ears as wide open as you can. Listen to everything. Not just addresses, but conversations, even the idle ones. Engage with everyone you can, constantly listening for hopes, aspirations, and anything else that can help identify a need that a new product could potentially fulfill. At conferences, people tend to be far more open, loose, and up front about what they want. It’s your job to listen closely enough to pick up the threads that may lead straight to a product idea.

The key to new product ideas has less to do with conceiving and more to do with discovering. Business is about service. It’s about identifying and addressing the needs of a customers, not working up big ideas and then convincing people to pay for them. The best entrepreneurs aren’t geniuses at thinking up incredible products; they’re people who know their audience, who embed themselves into a community of consumers and understand their needs. They let their creativity and their drive be guided by that understanding.

The next great product idea won’t be something created for the purpose of making someone successful- it will be created to fulfill a need, and the success will follow. Identify the need, and you’re most of the way to a game-changing idea.

Entrepreneurship Uncategorized

Timing Your Sales Offers

You’ve done the work. You’ve taken your passion and talent and built an infrastructure around them. You’ve earned a following, putting yourself out there and creating a customer base by providing quality free content. You’ve invested time and capital into the hope of monetizing your unique expertise. All that’s left to do now is to convert this work into its ultimate reward.

It’s time to sell.

Or is it? Knowing when to solicit sales can be tricky and intimidating for new entrepreneurs. There’s a certain stigma to salesmanship, the product of generations’ worth of snake oil and pyramid scheming from “entrepreneurs” with the moral compass of a tapeworm. On top of which, even honest salespeople run the risk of seeming otherwise by being over-eager and pushy. All of this can make the transition from giving to receiving an awkward one.

When is it appropriate -and effective- to finally hit “send” on sales offers? How do you know when it’s time to convert the trust and authority you’ve earned into money?

There are a few schools of thought when it comes to the correct timing. Each has their advantages, but all of them have two things in common: that they include consistent, quality free content throughout, and that each sales offer include some kind of enticement, usually a coupon code or other discount.

Having tried different approaches myself, I know which one works best for my business. However, it’s worth exploring several options before deciding for yourself when the iron is hot enough to strike.

Option 1: On The Customer’s Schedule

Some businesses time their sales offers according to a schedule with each individual customer. After a certain number of content-only emails, an offer is sent, no matter what. The idea is that there’s a formula by which one can balance the free content/sales offer ratio in a way that usually leads to conversions.

The logic is sound. The opportunity to solicit sales should be something that the customer gives you in exchange for quality content. How many opportunities per how much content will vary, but the basic idea remains the same: as long as the customer enjoys your content, you have the right to do a certain amount of advertising.

While sensible, though, this strategy isn’t always effective. This is because the offers come arbitrarily. From the customer’s point of view, whatever offers are enticing after five emails are just as enticing after three, or seven. The offers, in this strategy, have nothing to do with any opportunity for them. They simply come like clockwork, and represent no particularly good time to buy other than a coupon code that’s being held back until they’ve endured enough content.

It may work for some, but for others this approach may be too impersonal to generate consistent sales in the long term.

Option 2: On Your Schedule

Others time their offers to the rhythms of their business. When offers come, they come to every customer on the email list regardless of how long they’ve been on it. They may come on a set schedule, as in a monthly sale. They may come as part of an effort to promote a particular product or clear inventory. Whatever the reason for the offer, it’s particular to the conditions of the business.

This approach doesn’t reward any particular loyalty, or require any commitment from the customer other than being on the list. It’s less aggressive than targeting customers individually, but more logical. It’s also more transparent; if customers understand that there’s a genuine reason for the offer, it’s no longer an arbitrary ploy. You’re simply letting them in on the fact that now is a good time to for them to buy, for specific reasons that benefit both of you.

This approach works because it’s honest. It’s less cynical than dangling offers like bait regardless of your business conditions. It feels more personal than sending offers out randomly. Because of this, it has the potential to make customers pay closer attention to all of your emails. It’s a way to time offers that encourages and relies on transparency, which encourages trust.

Option 3: Always, and Never

Finally, some business don’t make sales offers at any particular time, or on any particular schedule, or because of anything customers do or don’t do. They simply focus on creating content that is mostly salesmanship-free, and offer it to their base in the hopes that customers will decide for themselves to make purchases.

The blogs, videos, and emails in this strategy simply contain a footer or other link to a standing offer that anyone enjoying the content can make use of, whenever. It requires the least effort in terms of salesmanship. It’s the least aggressive strategy, the least proactive, and the least pushy or intrusive.

It’s also the least effective.

The fact of the matter is that customers who get nothing from you but content will soon see you as simply that: a source of free content, not a business. If no attempt at sales conversions are made, few will occur spontaneously. While it’s high-minded to think that customers who enjoy your content will come to you when they’re ready, the simple reality is that customers need to be reminded that great free content is only the tip of the iceberg, and that beyond it is something worth paying for.

Which strategy is right for you? Clearly, I’ve found Option 2 to be the most effective. Other businesses may reach other conclusions, but I find it to be in the perfect “Goldilocks zone” between overly aggressive and overly passive. It’s salesmanship, but it’s salesmanship based on the very essence of capitalism at its best: the honest search for mutual benefit.

Your results may vary. The key is not to look for the “trick” to timing your offers. Simply seek the best opportunities to exchange genuine value for genuine value, and trumpet them to your customer base. If you keep this principle in mind, the time to sell should reveal itself.


Fighting FOMO

FOMO /ˈfōmō/ noun, informal: Anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere, often aroused by posts seen on a social media website.

That’s according to the Oxford English dictionary, which usually only adds a newly coined term to the official version of our language if it’s being used a lot (see also: twerk). FOMO, or Fear Of Missing Out, is a 21st-century condition, a byproduct of instant communication that makes us feel both omnipresent and isolated. It’s the insidious feeling that wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, it isn’t as good as something else, somewhere else.

What does this have to do with entrepreneurship and independent business? Everything. There’s a reason the people in charge of alarming-sounding acronyms decided to name this condition, and it’s because FOMO is a productivity killer. Especially for the independent business person, FOMO can be a deadly distraction or a motivational nosedive. It can so plague today’s plugged-in online entrepreneurs as to place all sense of accomplishment permanently out of reach.

Being an entrepreneur means that the border between your work and your life is a very hazy one, if it exists at all. Because of this, FOMO poses a particular threat. When doing business on your own schedule and struggling to balance business and personal needs, FOMO can slip into the cracks between what you’re doing and everything else you could be doing instead. That’s why it’s important to be aware of it, and of how to manage it.

Diagnosing FOMO

There are a few clear signs that you’re suffering from some form of FOMO. Actually, almost everyone suffers from it a little, and has since before the Internet. The idea of the grass being greener on the other side of the fence isn’t a new one. What’s different is that the Internet and social media allow us to see beyond all the fences, to glimpse infinite lawns, so that we’re almost guaranteed to know that somewhere, someone is doing something better.

How do you know that FOMO is a problem for you? Put simply, when the discomfort over what’s going on outside your sphere of influence starts to actually detract from your ability to function within that sphere, you’ve got a mean case of FOMO. Are you constantly checking social media? Incessantly refreshing your email inbox? Can you not allow any reasonable amount of time to pass without peering through one of your virtual windows to the world? When what you aren’t doing takes precedence over what you are doing, FOMO has taken root.

FOMO can also plague you within the boundaries of your own business. Do you feel the need to be part of every meeting or project personally? Are you compelled to micromanage? Are you regularly nagged by the feeling that your time and effort is needed on some other aspect of your business, other than what’s in front of you? Do you find yourself constantly questioning the choices you’ve already made, after the fact? When the value of the work you’re doing no longer registers or seems vital, you lose hope. You become impotent, dragged down by the notion that none of the efforts you’re making are as important as the ones you’re not making. You’re running in FO-MOtion.

Combating FOMO

Like many forms of anxiety, FOMO is never really “cured.” It’s managed. The keys to not being held back by FOMO are mindfulness, awareness, and an honest assessment of the ways you spend your time. It requires vigilance in monitoring your own habits, and the willingness to acknowledge your successes and to value your own work. By seeing yourself and your work in a positively critical light, you can banish FOMO like the demon it is.

First, it’s important to starve FOMO of reinforcement. Cut off or limit the amount of time you spend checking up on the rest of the world. Social media, email, and all the other windows to the teeming of humanity should have their own scheduled time, and not be allowed to seep into time that’s been assigned to other work.

Preferably, social media should be scheduled at the end of your day, to be engaged in only after the rest of the day’s tasks have been completed. This way, you go into the social media-scape armed with a feeling of accomplishment and confidence- the antidotes to FOMO.

It’s also important to consciously acknowledge your own accomplishments, even on a daily basis. Taking a moment to recognize that you set important tasks for yourself and completed them may sound like excessive back-patting, but it’s crucial to staying focused on the overall mission of your business. Again, valuing the way you’ve spent your time is the armor necessary to ward off FOMO.

Remember the long-term mission of your business, and that you are capable of deciding what activities best contribute to that. Stick to your vision, distractions be damned.

Lastly, recognize that whatever you think you’ve missed out on probably wasn’t that important in the first place- and there will be plenty of opportunities to experience something like it when the time is right. Missed conferences and conventions will come around again. Chances to network will always be around the corner. There’s always a party somewhere, and just because the Internet allows us to see them all doesn’t mean we should strive to go to all of them.

Often, the people who do the most posting on social media, and therefore the most trumping regarding how their time is spent, are suffering more severely from FOMO than anyone else. Constantly seeking to convince the wider world that where they are and what they’re doing is the best is usually a clear sign of FOMO-based insecurity. It creates a vicious cycle in which everyone in their network is tempted to outdo everyone else by doing it all; and in that effort, very little actually gets done.

Meaning vs Appearances

In a nutshell, the cure to FOMO is to do meaningful work. By focusing on spending your time in ways that are truly valuable to your business and your life, you’ll probably find that there’s not much time left over to harp on the allegedly better time everyone else is having. When you devote yourself to your own vision and your own schedule, the temptation to be everywhere else falls away.

FOMO is what happens when you undervalue the ways in which you spend your time, and overvalue the ways in which everyone else spends theirs. It’s a mirage. You’re not missing anything if you’re staying true to the bigger goals you’ve set for yourself as a business person.

When anxiety about what’s going on “out there” strikes, take the time you need to recalibrate. Measure your progress against your goals. Take a walk. Meditate. Slow down before you succumb to the urge to spin your wheels at the intersection of every road you’re not on. Be grounded, and your productivity will never be threatened by the anxiety of FOMO.


5 Steps to Finding Your Voice

In entrepreneurship, who you are is just as important as what you sell. That’s the fundamental concept behind branding: consumers don’t only buy products for their perceived qualities, they buy products out of a sense of loyalty. To earn that loyalty, it’s vital to define and express exactly who you are by finding your own authentic voice.

In the beginning, many new entrepreneurs try to fake it. They emulate the style or voice of an inspiration or a teacher. They try to dress their talks or writings up with the trappings of an expert or guru. They try to create a persona, out of an urge to be taken seriously. They shy away from their own voice, for fear that it isn’t good enough.

This is a natural mistake to make, but it’s an important one to avoid. Instead, the first goal of any independent business person should be to discover who they are, and what makes them unlike anyone else. It starts by embracing your own uniqueness. After that, earning loyalty is simply a matter of presenting oneself with sincerity and honesty.

To find your authentic voice and make your mark, keep these principles in mind:

You know what you know. And nothing more. It’s important (especially for those whose business is selling guidance or education) to only offer information that you’re genuinely sure about. Too often, beginning experts try to swim out past their depth, offering instruction or knowledge that they don’t really have in order to establish a reputation for being knowledgeable. This will backfire.

A better strategy is to stick with what you know. Focus on the unique experience and know-how that you genuinely possess. Demonstrate the true value of your own expertise, however vast or limited it really is. This way, consumers will have a reason to trust you. Long-term consumer loyalty begins when people are impressed as much by honesty as by credentials.

As for the knowledge that you don’t have just yet, make your commitment to learning a part of your voice. Share your growth, your mistakes, and your struggle to improve with your audience. They’re more likely to respect that than to be wooed by any amount of posturing.

Be relatable. There was a time when building a career as an expert meant inflating your image. Puffed up and overblown, icons and gurus sold themselves as the answer to the customer’s problems. The bigger, the better. The goal was to be seen not as a source of help, but as a messiah.

Those days are over.

Now, it’s just not feasible to pose as a guru on a mountaintop. 21st century consumers like their food local, their music independent, and their experts human. We’re all on a journey, not a race. That means that a helping hand from someone who’s seen a bit further up the path is more appreciated than a distant beacon from beyond the alleged finish line.

Call it cynicism, or call it being informed, but people today are likely to see a self-proclaimed miracle worker as a sham, no matter their credentials. It’s better to just be a person: specifically, you. The Great and Powerful Oz is dead, but today’s consumers are willing to hear what the man behind the curtain has to say.

Take your time. Finding your voice is not something that’s accomplished overnight. In fact, it’s never really “accomplished” in any final sense. You’ll always be growing and changing as a business person. Don’t frustrate yourself by trying to build some final product that is your voice. Instead, refine it as you go along.

The important thing is to exercise your voice, to develop it like a muscle. Write. Speak. Produce, produce, produce. The more content you create, the more you hone your genuine voice, and discover what makes you worth listening to. It’s a process that can’t be rushed, only dedicated to.

Use the three wisest words that anyone can say. They are, in the following order, “I,” “don’t,” and “know.” Being honest about and comfortable with the limits of your knowledge is the greater part of establishing your credibility. No one knows it all, and anyone who claims to isn’t telling the truth.

Some of the most successful entrepreneurs are people who don’t claim to know everything, but who connect consumers with sources of information. Oprah Winfrey never claimed to know much, she just found people who did and put them on a couch. Even the earliest pioneers of entrepreneurship and self-empowerment like Dale Carnegie and Napoleon HIll considered themselves observers first, whose greatest strength was their ability to find answers rather than to already know them.

Connect. Resonate. Reach your audience as a human being, not a walking advertisement. This is the only way to build a loyal, long-term following. It requires sincerity above all. Even actors, whose entire job is to be someone they’re not, know that the best way to touch an audience is to root their attempt to be someone else in who they actually are. Being yourself, then, means being endlessly honest.

Loyalty will come when consumers feel as though there is a genuine person somewhere behind the necessity of salesmanship. Especially today, consumers are sophisticated enough to see the human being behind the business, so make sure that one is actually there. Business is a necessity, and customers understand that. However, most would rather to do it with a person rather than a persona.

Finding your voice is an exciting and rewarding process that has its own inherent value. As an independent business person, don’t be afraid that who you are won’t be good enough. Don’t fear that your expertise isn’t sufficient. Ply your trade, know your business, and be yourself. Use your voice to reveal who you are, not to obscure it. You’ll find that that approach doesn’t just reach consumers more effectively- it produces a better product.

Entrepreneurship Uncategorized

The 10 Commandments of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship isn’t easy. The challenges are so different from those of a standard-issue job that many budding entrepreneurs can fall into traps they’d never anticipated. Fortunately, I’ve been doing this long enough to have seen (and made) many of the common mistakes that make independent business harder than it has to be.

Some mistakes are minor and inevitable, but some are such deadly missteps that they can derail your entire dream. Avoid these crucial errors in order to stay on the path you’ve chosen- your own.

1. Thou Shalt Not Overanalyze

It’s always great to look before you leap, and preparation is one of the keys to success. However, if you suffer from the kind of pre-planning perfectionism that stops you from making moves, that’s not caution. That’s Analysis Paralysis.

Analysis Paralysis freezes a business in place for the sake of seeking a level of control that no one can ever actually achieve. Business is risky! Accepting that with calm determination might be the most important act of preparation you can make.

Trust in the twin truths of your passion and your expertise, and move forward. Try things, and if they don’t work out, try something else. Don’t fall under the illusion that you can control all outcomes by laying the groundwork perfectly; you can’t. Explore, improvise, and don’t be afraid of setbacks. Set deadlines by which you have to act, regardless of the preparation, and stick to them. Even when something could have been better planned, it’s more important to overcome the fear of moving than it is to move perfectly every time.

2. Thou Shalt Not Think in the Short Term (Only)

Short term success may be gratifying, but it can also be intoxicating. It can make you forget the overall, long-term mission of your business. What’s the most important thing you’re trying to achieve? The answer to that question has to keep its place in the forefront of your mind.

While a good day, week, month or even year is worth celebrating, never forget the ultimate goal. What do you want for and from your business in 5 years? In 10? In 20? Entrepreneurship is a long game, a lifetime commitment. The sum total of your work is what will ultimately matter most, so be clear in your long-term intentions, and be guided by them above all.

3. Thou Shalt Not Do it All

You can’t do everything. Many have tried, and all have failed. While the independence of entrepreneurship is part of the allure, no man or woman is an island. Trying to maintain control over every aspect of your business is a fool’s errand, and detracts from the basic principle of entrepreneurship: turning your individual talent and passion into an enterprise.
That means learning the most important skill a leader can ever have: delegation. Find the people who can do everything other than what you decided to make a career out of doing, and let them do it. The time and energy you waste on things outside of your wheelhouse is better devoted to perfecting your own skill, your own art, your own vision.

4. Thou Shalt Not Be A Perfectionist

Nothing, and nobody, is perfect. The illusion of perfection can be a great tool for motivation, but it can also be paralyzing and self-defeating. While every entrepreneur should strive for their best, there are times when getting something done is preferable to getting it done more perfectly.

Have high professional standards. Seek improvement and development at every turn. Chase perfection as if it’s attainable, even though it’s not. The cumulative results of that effort over the course of your career will bear incredible fruit- but don’t hold your business back by insisting on unrealistic expectations.

5. Thou Shalt not Fear Failure

Business is the art of risk. Entrepreneurship is the fullest expression of that risk, since it’s done without the backing of the established powers that be. That’s what you signed up for. That’s why it’s so much more rewarding than working for someone else. The risk is yours, but so is the payoff, including the freedom of forging your own path.

However, it’s going to mean failure. Failure will lurk around every corner, and rustle every hedge you pass. You’ll fail often, mostly in small ways, but always in ways that will teach you something. Poster-child for entrepreneurial success Robert Kiyosaki urges his students to “fail fast;” the more quickly you fail, the more quickly that failure will breed success.

Don’t fear failure. Get comfortable with it. Make failure your friend, your constant companion, and you’ll discover how superb a teacher it really is.

6. Thou Shalt Not Be Anyone Other Than Thyself

Posing is a guarantee of entrepreneurial disaster (unless the field you’ve chosen is modeling, of course). Taking on a persona or fabricating a voice is not branding or image-building; it’s lying. Who you are and what drives you is your greatest asset, not something to be disguised. Entrepreneurship works based on the unique approach of an individual, not an archetype or a character.

Be yourself. Be honest. Be vulnerable. Especially if your business is based on your expertise, don’t be afraid to share your journey of improvement, development and learning. That kind of honesty separates the entrepreneurs from the scammers, and builds the trust that creates real consumer loyalty.

7. Thou Shalt Not Measure Thyself by the Success of Others

Measuring yourself by someone else’s metrics is a self-defeating strategy. There will always be someone more successful- if you choose to define that in terms of sales, income, or notoriety.

The only scale by which an entrepreneur should measure their success is the one that they create for themselves. Am I on the path to fulfilling my long-term goals? Have I improved since last quarter? Am I living with the freedom, determination, and creativity that made entrepreneurship attractive in the first place? Am I enjoying this?

Ultimately, you’re your only competition. If you focus on that, you’ll find that the ups and downs of others aren’t nearly as relevant as they seem.

8. Thou Shalt Not Move the Goal Posts

Setting goals, even short-term ones, is important. Overall goals, sub-goals, even daily goals are healthy metrics by which to keep your business on track. However, one unhealthy temptation to which some (especially very driven) entrepreneurs succumb is to change those goals before they’ve been reached.

If you see that your business is on track to hit a certain milestone, don’t retroactively decide that you’re shooting for a different one. Hit your goal, enjoy the success, and then establish new, more challenging ones. By not allowing yourself to acknowledge an accomplishment, you can damage morale. Worse, goals become negotiable instead of being reliable guideposts.

9. Thou Shalt Not Confuse This With a “Job”

It’s crucial to understand the basic difference between entrepreneurship and a “job” in the traditional sense. They are two very different animals, with two very different requirements.

A job is something you do for someone else. It’s something to which you contribute, and that contribution is well-defined and (more importantly) limited. You do your job, and then you go home. Entrepreneurship is a lifestyle. It’s the commitment of an entire individual to a goal, and there is no clock on which to punch in or out.

It means that the line separating your work from your life is a fuzzier one, if it exists at all. It’s not something you do; it’s something you are, all the time. Balancing your work/life responsibilities is a trickier and more subtle art for the entrepreneur. Friends and family have to understand this, and be willing to accommodate and support the extra responsibility.

It’s not better or worse, but it is different. Those who choose to create their own careers, to shape their professional lives independently and free themselves from the dictates of an employer have to do so with an awareness of the implications.

10. Thou Shalt not be a Lone Ranger

With all the independence entrepreneurship offers, one can be tempted to think that it’s a one-person enterprise. It never is. Entrepreneurship isn’t about flying solo, it’s about choosing your own path. Even on a path of your own making, you’ll need help and support.

Independence doesn’t mean independence from others. It means independence from the dictates of others. It means finding the people with whom you can go your own way. I tried to go it alone, before finding my partner Nicole and the other members of the team we’ve put together to build our independent living.

That was the idea behind the $100 MBA- to offer guidance to other independent business people, so that we could all reap the benefits. Collaborative support between entrepreneurs might seem less like independence, but it’s at the heart of the entrepreneurial spirit. With focus, honesty, and a little help, anyone can carve out the future they desire for themselves.


Watch Out for These 5 Affiliate Marketing Mistakes

Watch Out for These 5 Affiliate Marketing Mistakes

Affiliate marketing is a delicate strategy. For all the benefits it can bring to both your business and to the affiliate, there’s an ever-present danger lurking: turning yourself into a shill. While there’s nothing wrong or deceptive about a business person helping to move a product he or she believes in, even for a commission, affiliate marketing done cynically (or too often) quickly gives off the distinctly fishy odor of insincerity.

Here at Business Republic, we like to limit the amount of affiliate marketing we’re willing to engage in. Not only are we extremely selective in choosing other businesses on which we’re willing to stake our own brand and reputation, we’ve got our own product to focus on. The value of one’s own product, and no one else’s, has to be the primary source of success in a strong business. To be overly reliant on profiting from recommendations can spread customers’ trust very thin, very quickly.

Despite the pitfalls, affiliate marketing can be fruitful. When you truly believe in the strength of someone else’s product, and the opportunity to help sell it without detracting from your own operation presents itself, it’s worth taking on as a side project. Done right, it can enhance your reputation as an authority in the industry while bringing in some always-appreciated revenue.

To stay on the constructive side of the affiliate marketing coin, be sure to avoid these common missteps:

1. Offering affiliate product exclusively

Affiliate marketing should be the result of a trusted figure in an industry offering their own customers access to something different, but relevant. If you don’t produce your own valuable product, why should anyone believe that you possess the passion and expertise that would make your recommendations worth considering?

By only offering the products of others, you confine yourself to the business of other businesses. These other businesses are beyond your control. That means surrendering any pretense of entrepreneurship in order to become, essentially, their sales associate. Offer your audience more than advertisements for other operations. Offer them something of your own, and its value will be reflected in how seriously your recommendations are taken.

2. Not being an authority

Affiliate marketing is the act of earning a commission through the weight of your recommendations. It’s conversion by association. That means that the only value you have to offer your affiliate is the value of that association. Customers who might not otherwise buy a thing will do so (theoretically) because they trust you.

In business as in life, trust has to be earned. Affiliate marketing without establishing yourself as an authority leaves little difference between you and a pop-up ad. Customers don’t buy things from affiliate marketers the way they do from advertisers. The difference is that advertisers are solely in the business of delivering their clients’ messages, whereas non-advertisers are in their own business, and have become so trusted in that business that their suggestions carry their own gravity.

For example, one of our affiliate relationships is with Michael Port, whose public speaking expertise wasn’t just something we felt we could recommend in good conscience- it was something we had personally benefited from as public speakers ourselves. Having been students of Port, we felt his business was worth promoting. More importantly, as recognized authorities in the field of entrepreneurship training and education, we knew that the man who helped shape our success could shape that of others. That’s a reason for a customer to consider a recommendation, not just a request to.

3. Audience abuse

Having gone to the necessary lengths in order to build an audience for your business, you wouldn’t want to waste that time and effort by turning them away. Unfortunately, that’s what many who over-engage in affiliate marketing end up doing. Sending a consistent deluge of ads and other irrelevant emails to an audience, day after day and week after week, is an abuse of the trust they’ve offered by signing up.

This is abuse, because the implicit reward your audience expects during signup is that they’ll be emailed something of value to them. Offers from your affiliates can only occasionally fit that requirement, and they can only come so many times before they cross the line between offers and spam.

As a rule of thumb, if at least 70% of the emails sent out to your list isn’t content, something is wrong. Providing genuinely valuable content to your audience is what earns you the right to make sales conversions when appropriate. That’s not just an ethical stance; it’s a business one. Audiences who learn to expect your emails to be nothing but ads will soon make use of features like Google’s “promotions” tab, or worse, your “unsubscribe” button.

4. Hiding affiliations

This is simply a matter of honesty. By disguising the fact that your affiliation with another business is one from which you take immediate profit, you leap over the thin line that separates the ethical ways one can leverage an audience’s trust from the greasy confidence games of the Nigerian princes.

Be explicit about profiting from affiliations. While a certain cynical logic may suggest that a customer is less likely to take a recommendation seriously knowing that it’s made in the interest of profit, the truth is that in a world of semi-ethical online enterprises, disclosure breeds more trust than omission.

5. Selling the Dream

One of the first red flags of a shady marketing scheme is an insistence on selling not a product, but a fantasy. A certain lifestyle, a new outlook, the admiration of others: these are not things anyone can sell. By offering the Dream, whatever it is, you offer something you can’t provide.

Of course, advertisers have been doing subtle versions of this approach since the Don Draper era, but it’s an art better left to people who aren’t staking their own reputations on the quality of what they recommend. While the ability to encourage a fantasy and sell the Dream may be the business of some, a business with its own product has to play a different role- the role of a respected producer of something with its own value who sincerely thinks that their own customers can benefit from an affiliate’s product.

When it’s time to sell that affiliate’s product, do so on the product’s merits. Be specific about what it is, what it does, and why you believe your audience can benefit from it. Don’t sell an image or an archetype. That kind of cynicism may work on a few eager customers, but it will come at the expense of the trust you’ll need to build for the long term.

If you’re considering affiliate marketing, be selective. Let the opportunity to do so arise organically from a genuine relationship between your business and another, from a place of authority and respect in your industry. Affiliate marketing can be a valuable part of your business, but only that: a part. If it becomes most or all of your business, you surrender the core of whatever your own business was meant to be about.

Design Entrepreneurship

How to Guarantee More Traffic to Your Website

For new businesses, web traffic has become what physical location used to be: paramount to success. As a result, whole industries have sprung up offering products and services that promise to bring more of it. Books and blogs offer pages upon pages of advice on how to maximize it, constantly adjusting for new revelations in analytics and the inner workings of search engines.

Unfortunately for many entrepreneurs, this creates the impression that traffic is something that can be conjured up like a spirit. The experts promise strategies and formulas that will send traffic streaming into your little back-alley of the web, if only you’d trust in their incantations. The premise is that traffic-building is a speciality skill in and of itself, like graphic design or coding.

This is only partially true. While there are certain basic strategies that any business person should employ, they’re no more than that- basic. Anyone can master them in less time than it takes to decide on a font for your home page. What really drives traffic is something much more fundamental, yet impossible to encapsulate in any formula.

What really drives traffic is quality content.

The Myth of SEO

Feathers, prepare for ruffling. Established dogma, your time is at an end. What I say now, I say knowing it would have me pilloried by the defenders of conventional wisdom. I say it nonetheless: SEO is bunk.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the collective term for all the different ways one can allegedly cause a given website to climb the rankings of Google and other search engines. The higher the rank, the more people searching for information will see your website in their results, and the more they’ll visit. The more visitors come, the more popular your product becomes, the more you succeed, and the brighter the future for you and all the coming generations that bear your mighty name…or so the theory goes.

In reality, this approach is at best outdated and at worse a fool’s errand. Years ago, when search engines were simply keyword-searching services, SEO was a worthy pursuit. The Internet was young and malleable. Formulas for manipulating search engines were simple and likely to work, because search engines were simple and likely to cooperate.

No more. Then was then, but now is now, and Google will not be manipulated.

Search engines have become so sophisticated in their ability to decipher search entries and find truly relevant results that trying to “crack the code” is about as useful as putting one of those inflatable flailing tube-men from your local used car dealership on your laptop, hoping it will bring passersby to your website. The way search engines rank results these days is a complex process that goes far deeper than the frequency and placement of keywords; it analyzes the entirety of the content and assesses its substance with frighteningly Skynet-esque critical thinking. The future is here; the machine is alive, and it laughs at your paltry human tricks.

Ranking Via Substance

With modern search engines so refined, the old SEO strategies have outlived their usefulness. While basic steps like using the appropriate keywords in titles and introductions are still good practice, they’re not going to make it rain clicks.

Current SEO experts describe the only really valid keyword strategy in terms of the “long tail,” or the ability to use keywords in very specific, very substantive contexts that search engines recognize as aligning with very specific search goals. This is not a sign of progress for SEO. It’s quite the opposite.

More and more sophisticated SEO strategies are being concocted, but not because SEO strategy can somehow “catch up” to Google’s ability to discern. It’s because we’re nearing an event horizon. We’re reaching the point where search engines are going to look for exactly what human beings are looking for: actual substance. Chasing rankings and trying to alchemize a perfect combination of words requires time and effort that would be far, far better spent on simply producing better content.

I know this from experience. Years ago, I was consumed by the search for perfect SEO. I tailored every bit of content to the strategies and formulas that were promoted as guaranteed traffic-builders, and in some ways it worked. The strategies had their uses, uses that are now built-in features of any decent content platform like WordPress or Yoast. But no strategy, no hack, was ever able to bring me the traffic I built when I finally settled on the ultimate SEO strategy: no SEO strategy.

By focusing on the quality, originality and value of the content, I discovered that the only real way to guarantee traffic was to earn it. The way to earn it is to produce valid, truly substantive content that doesn’t read like click-bait or try in vain to pander to the latest search engine algorithms.

The value of my expertise and experience is what brings traffic, because it’s something worth having, not just something worth clicking on. The irony is that once I took this approach, everything I had worked for in my SEO-obsessed days came to pass, without a single keyword stuffed. Since then, I’ve been asked in conversations and interviews with colleagues about my SEO strategy, and what the “secret” is to scoring page after page of Google results. My answer is always the same: there is no secret. You just have bring the goods.

Traffic Practices

Once you have a quality product, a clear and valuable message, and the time and will to produce content, a few good practices will best ensure that your website gets the traffic it deserves. None of them can compensate for a lack of quality in content, but they can maximize the returns your content brings.

First among them is volume. One thing high-traffic sites like and Fast Company have in common is sheer breadth of content. These are full-time big businesses, so they have the resources to pay high-powered writers to produce 5-to 10 articles or more per day. Independent entrepreneurs may struggle to produce on that level, but it’s imperative to produce as much as possible.

Fresh content keeps the public in conversation with your business, and a website that hasn’t been updated in months is destined to be forgotten, even if its now-stale content was revelatory when it was posted. That doesn’t mean churning out filler just for content’s sake; it means staying committed to the constant production of whatever your target audience wants. It’s important to create and maintain a production schedule, allowing ample time to create, review, and edit new content in order to fulfill your publishing calendar.

It’s also important to make use of social media, but not just by automatically posting links to your website’s content. Maintain an active, not passive, social media presence by interacting regularly and genuinely with followers. A Facebook or Twitter feed that simply throws context-free links into the din is unlikely to drive any significant amount of traffic, so take the time to chat. When you post links to your website, do so with a message that puts it in context and gives potential readers a real reason to click.

Lastly, another high-yield traffic tactic is guest posting. Everyone in your professional network needs content just as much as you do. The more diverse the content, the better and more interesting the website. By offering a guest blog or other content, you boost the quality of a colleague’s site and expose yourself to a whole new audience. Allowing others to return the favor and post on your site adds to your content, and can also bring new readers your way.

In the end, the best strategy is an honest one. Creating original, genuinely valuable content (and lots of it), from a place of honesty is the only way that’s guaranteed to work consistently. No tricks, no formulas. Hacks are for hacks. Trust in the value of what you have to offer, and you’ll find that web traffic makes a far better byproduct than an end in itself.