We all want to reach our goals. But where do we set them? How do we know which goals are realistic, and which are just setting us up for failure?
It’s Q&A Wednesday, and we’ve got a listener who misses goal after goal. Is it because they’re too lofty? If so, how can we avoid setting goals that aren’t lofty enough?
If we try to be more realistic, will we aim too low? If we try to be ambitious, will we aim too high?
There’s gotta be a way to hit identify the sweet spot.
Today, we’ll discuss how to expand your concept of goal-setting to encompass multiple layers of goals. By establishing a range of milestones, rather than a single target, you can move towards the “zone of proximal development:” the place where you strive exactly the right amount.
Take a new approach to your goals — one that helps you grow. Click play at the top of the page!
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