Are you using social media, or is it using you? 

Today, we share tried-and-true strategies for using these addictive platforms strategically — not mindlessly.

Facebook, Insta, and the rest can be incredibly valuable tools. But they don’t exist to serve your business. They exist to serve their own. If you’re not careful, you can end up investing your time and energy into something that benefits Zuckerberg and Musk more than it benefits you.

It’s Q&A Wednesday, and one of our listeners has seen the light. They know that social media is sucking them in on a daily basis. But quitting it altogether wouldn’t be good business. 

So what’s an easily-distracted entrepreneur to do?

You don’t have to give up social media to avoid its pitfalls. In this episode, you’ll learn a few simple tricks that allow you to do your marketing, reach your audience, and get back to the real world. We also share tools that make it easier. 

Think of social media like fire: undeniably beneficial, but dangerous if it gets out of control. Learn how to manage it effectively — Click Play at the top of the page!

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