The true measure of yourself is what you do when times are toughest.

In business, tough times are never in short supply. Even the most successful business people have those WTF? days. It’s just gonna happen. What matters most is not avoiding those days, but responding to them in positive, constructive ways. Are you up for the challenge?

Today, we discuss how to handle the most awful days, by focusing on the factors you can control. We offer the strategies that have worked for us when everything seems to be going wrong, from sales slumps to technical glitches to personnel drama. Because no matter how badly your day goes, your business still needs you to perform.

Business is challenging, but that’s the fun part! With the right outlook, the right expectations, and the right strategies, you can see every day as an opportunity — even the awful ones. Hear our coping strategies, plus our 10-minute exercise for getting through those days you just can’t wait to end. Click Play!


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How to Stop Worrying and Start Living