Can you handle business?

If you’re thinking about starting one, you might wonder what pitfalls or obstacles are the toughest. 

Entrepreneurship is challenging in a thousand different ways, but which way is…the scariest?

Today, we narrow it down to one.

There’s one thing about business that will hurt the most, take the most out of you, and make you ask yourself again and again if it’s really the life for you. It might surprise you to find out what is, but anyone who runs a business will probably agree.

The great thing about a scary thing is that if you know what it is, you fear it less — and handle it better. Today, we discuss the single toughest thing about business, so you know what to expect. 

If you can handle this, you can handle anything. Click play at the top of the page!

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The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz