Information isn’t the only thing that gets leads.

When we create free lead magnets, we often default to sharing information. After all, sharing what we know doesn’t cost much, and knowledge is easy to transfer online. But there’s another option — and it’s just as good for conversions: templates.

Whether it’s email or blog post templates, slide deck templates, or something else, a template doesn’t teach your lead anything. But it still empowers them.

In other words, a free template is a solution to a pain point, just as much as an e-book or checklist is. The difference: it’s easier to use right away, and leaves a smaller gap between what you gave your lead and what they actually did with it. 

Today, hear how we use free templates as highly effective lead magnets. And learn how to ask yourself what kinds of templates your audience might appreciate. Click play at the top of this page!

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