In business, arguments happen. 

But if they happen a lot, it’s time to evaluate why, and come up with a plan to turn down the heat. Otherwise, your business can become a serious source of (counterproductive) stress.

It’s Q&A Wednesday, and we’ve got a listener who’s constantly getting into scraps with their cofounder. These arguments are heated, dramatic, and steal time and energy that would otherwise go to improving the business. 

What’s a confounder to do?

Fortunately, Omar has some experience in the cofounder relations department. As one half of a life-and-business partnership, he understands how the personal and entrepreneurial can become intertwined, and how important it is to be able to argue well.

…note that we said “argue well,” not “stop arguing altogether.” 

Today, we share our best tips for getting ahead of cofounder disagreements. We’ll discuss why they happen, why they’re kind of a good sign (really!), and what you can do to make your in-house fights less frequent, more constructive, and more quickly resolved. 

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