We all know online business is fertile ground. But is there still room for entrepreneurs to thrive in the physical world? If you’re considering taking on a good ol’ fashioned brick & mortar business, you already know that it comes with risks and challenges the online space is mercifully free of. So should you go for it? Is small business fully digital, or can a scrappy player still make it on the (literal) streets?

We’ve got some good news.

Physical business have never been more affordable to invest in, if you know where to look. What’s been terrible for real estate has been great for entrepreneurs, as moderate-to-low priced physical stores and spaces are available all over the map. You just have to assess the risk factors by doing your homework.

Today, we offer 5 specific things you should look into when considering a physical business. By addressing these 5 areas, you can make real-world entrepreneurship as feasible and realistic as any web-based company. Find out how — Click Play!


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