
The Ultimate Music Playlist To Get You Motivated

I have often wondered what it is about music that makes it so incredibly powerful. Philosophers and biologists have been asking this question for centuries. They’ve noted that humans are universally drawn to music. It can shape our state of mind.

This is why I find music to be a huge motivator. It has the power to motivate us to do the things we need to do. And when building a business, we need to use any advantage we can get our hands on.

Our closest friends have heard of a mysterious music playlist Nicole and I curated and listen to regularly to get us going. It goes by many names- The Ultimate Playlist, The Launch Day Playlist, Team ON Playlist (ON stands for Omar & Nicole). We’ve been promising them for a while now we would share it one day. Well, that day is here.

Here are 40 songs, nearly 3 hours of music to get you pumped. We’ve curated it in a particular order but you can choose to shuffle the tracks if you wish. A word of caution though, all these songs are in their original release so explicit language will be present in some.

If you want to embed or grab the link to our playlist, just press that funny looking button ( </>) in the top right hand corner of the playlist.

No matter how much music I listen to, I often feel that it should be more a part of my life. Enjoy and let me know what other songs we should include on this playlist in the comments below.

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