Can’t get your business ball rolling? Maybe you need a (virtual) hand.

A little help can mean the difference between staying on your current plateau and leveling up. In the early phases of building a business, it might feel premature to make hires. But there are affordable, practical options out there in the wide digital world. Why not take advantage?

Remember: time is always more valuable than money. And hiring help = buying time.

Today, special guest teacher Trivinia Barber is here to explain how you can make serious strides with a virtual team. Barber is a scaling and team-building expert who champions the “Momentum Method” of growth and efficiency. Her specialty: finding VAs (Virtual Assistants) to take the weight off your shoulders, so you can move faster.

Think of the things that suck time from your schedule. Then imagine them taken care of! Barber will explain how to find, recruit, and nurture virtual help that can empower you to finally make some progress. Click play at the top of the page!

Top 3 Hiring Mistakes to Avoid With Your Next Hire
