Staying focused and motivated over the course of long projects is one of those skills an entrepreneur simply has to have. It’s one of the key differences between entrepreneurship and conventional work — you’re responsible for the long term, not just the day’s or week’s to-do list. 

That said, we understand how tough it can be to sustain morale over months and months, especially when the endgame seems so far away.

Fear not! Today, we explain exactly how to keep your eye on the prize, however long it takes. We’re at the tail end of our own project, one that’s currently in its 18th month. When we started a year and a half ago, the finish line was well over the horizon. Now, our consistency and patience is paying off. 

We’ll discuss the organizational and management strategies you can use to make every day of your project feel like Day One, all the way through. From writing a book to launching a product, you can handle shifting timelines, hard-to-envision outcomes, and the sheer unknown. 

You know what the say about a journey of a thousand miles. Take the first step today — Click play at the top of the page!

