It might’ve taken months, or more, to earn a customer’s business — but you don’t have that long to make sure you keep it.

The first phase after the initial transaction is where the most important impressions are made. Before the purchase, the customer’s excitement about your product is theoretical. Once money has changed hands, though, it’s reality time. Either this customer will get the most out of your product and trust you for the long haul, or not.

If not, you’re wasting some of your investment in sales and marketing. 

Churn kills. The customers you have are a far greater source of revenue than the customers you don’t have yet. Treat them right from the jump, and you invest in something that will sustain your business for years. Today, we’ll discuss how to give your new customers the early wins and immediate satisfaction that kicks off a long, mutually beneficial relationship.

When the cash register rings, you’ve got one more sale to make: the one you just made. Tune in, and learn how. Click play at the top of the page!


Anything You Want by Derek Sivers

“The most successful email I ever wrote”