Say it with me: undercutting is a garbage strategy.

Trying to compete by offering the lowest price is a race to the bottom. When we’re starting out, most of us are shy about charging high prices. But done right, the high-ticket proposition is a smart way to gain real momentum for a new business.

But don’t take it from me: we’ve got a special guest teacher.

Tanner Chidester has built successful companies from the ground up by starting with high-priced services. Note that we said “starting with,” not “working his way up to” high prices.

That’s right: according to Chidester, you don’t have to build revenue by marketing. You can build your marketing by getting a sh*t ton of revenue, as soon as possible.

Today, Chidester will explain exactly how he’s pulled this strategy off, over and over. Perfect for coaches, consultants, and other “soft” service providers, the high-ticket approach might just be the best way to get your business off the ground. Click play at the top of the page!

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