YouTube: it’s kind of everything right now.

As a search engine, it’s second only to The Big G. As a media platform, it’s literally second to none. With billions of viewers, there’s billions to be made. So where’s your slice? How can you get aboard the YouTube revenue train?

A step at a time, that’s how.

Today, we discuss how money is made on this global behemoth of a platform. The bad news? It takes a massive amount of followers to simply lay back and let the cash roll in. But the good news is that ad revenue isn’t the only way to make the ‘Tube work for you.

Tune in, and see where YouTube fits into your business plans. Click play at the top of the page!


ProfitWell on YouTube

Podia on YouTube

Noah Kagan on YouTube

Brian Dean on YouTube

Casey Neistat on YouTube

Nathan Barry on YouTube