How risky are money-back guarantees? Can they hurt your business more than they help it?

It’s Q&A Wednesday, and we’ve got a coach whose potential clients want some reassurance, in the form of a guaranteed refund if they don’t get results. But quite reasonably, our listener is hesitant to commit to not being paid for their time and effort. 

So what’s the right move? To guarantee or not?

Today, we explain why risk reversal is a sales and marketing must. Yes, in our experience, a money-back guarantee is indispensable if you want people to believe in your product or service. 

And yes, you can offer a guarantee that mitigates the risk of losing money.

Learn how to create a clear-cut, reasonable refund policy that protects you and customers, so you can put your money where your marketing’s mouth is — with confidence. Click play at the top of the page!