Call it the ultimate productivity hack: blurring the line between the office and the gym.
There are so many ways to make progress on your To-Do list while you’re on a treadmill or under a barbell. The kind of repetitive exercises most of us use for conditioning are a perfect opportunity to make headway on any number of tasks — including the tedious ones.
Today, Omar shares how he personally kills two birds with one stone, by merging work and workouts.
For many of us, our gym time is a wasted opportunity to do work, or vice versa. If you hate getting in the reps, distract yourself with a little work. If admin is a slog, do it while you’re pumping iron!
This works so well, it’s a wonder more entrepreneurs don’t do it. Learn an incredible multitask, and improve both your productivity and your health. Click play at the top of this page!
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