A personal touch can set your business apart — even when there’s no chance you’ll be able to do it for everyone. So why do new businesses avoid strategies that don’t scale…even while they’re still small?

Sometimes, there’s a such thing as being too efficient, even in business.

It’s the inverse of the old saying, “What got you here won’t get you there.” Of course you’ll have to evolve your strategies when your business gets bigger — but while it’s still young, you can afford to go above and beyond, even if it’s just for a few people. 

…and the results are worth it.

Today, we discuss a few things you can do as a small business that don’t multiply well. However, the impact of these meaningful (but highly inefficient) moves can be monumental, and position your company to grow. 

Worry about scaling when it’s time to scale. While you’re still making a name for yourself, go the extra mile. It’ll pay off, and set you up to worry about how to get “there” when the time is right. Click Play at the top of the page!