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MBA2280 How to Deal With Everyday Stress in Your Business

Stress is like an anchor. It weighs you down, and holds you back. It does the same to your business, as stress makes you a less effective and efficient leader. So what can you do about it?

And by the way, we’re not talking about big stress, like you get in response to a rare crisis or major catastrophe. 

We’re talking about the basic, everyday stresses that any entrepreneur experiences, no matter how well their business does. It’s simply unavoidable: things will not always go your way. With the stakes high, that means basic stress management isn’t a luxury. It’s a priority.

Today, we share the most common forms of everyday business stress — and how to deal with each.

Learn what most often induces low-grade stress, and the simple practices that help you get better at navigating it. Developing resilience is like developing strength or stamina or any other ability. You have to put in a little work every day. 

Fortunately, everyday stress will give you that opportunity. Learn how to take advantage of it, and become a better emotionally equipped entrepreneur. Click Play!


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