It’s Q&A Wednesday, and we’re here to help! Today, we address a question from a listener with a very common issue: they’re not exactly an expert in sales.

For new entrepreneurs, salesmanship is often the first stumbling block. Per our listener’s request, we’ve put together a collection of go-to resources for beginning sales people that we’ve found most useful and valuable over the course of our business journey. This collection of 3 books and 2 online courses can give anyone a foundation in the art of the sale.

From ultra-beginner to intermediate, these resources are our ideal crash course for anyone who’s just getting into business for themselves. Fortunately, sales tactics can be learned — even by people who aren’t “natural” sales people. All you need is the right advice, and the will to get out of your comfort zone and improve your business skill set.

Take yourself from sales noob to sales pro! Click play at the top of the page!

$100 MBA Free Idea Validation Course (and 2018 Waiting List)

Your 3-Step Sales Process

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Exactly What to Say by Phil M. Jones

The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes