Effective online marketing comes down to one thing above all: content. And while pics and videos are great, the written word is still the most important factor as regards your ultimate reach and SEO.

Long story short: you need to blog.

Even if you’re no Hemingway, you can create and manage a blog that’ll achieve its most important purpose: building a loyal following of potential customers. Whether it’s daily, weekly, monthly, or even less, great blogging can be leveraged into major conversions — if it’s done correctly.

Today, we begin a two-part series on how to get your blog up and running. In this part, we discuss how to clearly define the purpose of your blog based on specific business goals. With a consistent, intentional, procedural approach, even the least experienced bloggers can build their brand with some well-crafted posts.

Before you write a word, tune in to this episode. And don’t forget to come back tomorrow for Part II! Click play at the top of the page!




Seth Godin