Your website’s pricing page: it’s the page where visitors are closest to making a purchase. It’s also the page where websites lose the most visitors, as cold feet stop visitors from becoming customers.

How can you convert them? How can you get a visitor on the pricing page to pull the trigger?

You have their interest. You have them *this close* to buying. What you need is a way to address those last-minute hesitations, those few questions that still remain. Enter the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). By integrating your FAQ with your pricing page, you can head off visitor misgivings, and pave the way to a purchase.

Today, we explain how to anticipate the questions visitors will have, and give them an FAQ that’ll inspire confidence. We discuss how many questions to post, and how to lay them out on your pricing page for maximum conversions.

In the final moments, a great FAQ can make all the difference. Click play at the top of the page!

WebinarNinja Pricing Page
