Do you know what your employees are worth? 

It’s Q&A Wednesday, and one of our listeners has a valuable employee with an inconvenient request: a 40 (yes, 40) percent increase in salary. That’s a hard bargain to drive, but driven it is. What’s an entrepreneur to do when a crucial team member makes such a drastic demand? 

Today, we’ll discuss if, and how, to keep employees who highball.

In determining what’s best for the business overall, there are more factors to consider than just one salary budget. There are also potential reasons for employee dissatisfaction that go way beyond the size of their paycheck. Getting to the real root of a request like this is the only way to make the right decision.

Tune in, and join us as we think about what really keeps great employees around, and when it’s time to let one go. Learn how to do the math for your business, and establish feasible, earned increases for key players. Click play at the top of the page!