Conventional wisdom: how wise is it?

That’s the question Eric Barker asks in Barking Up The Wrong Tree, a super-entertaining challenge to everything you thought you knew about business. 

In this highly original, inventive look at the usual advice about success, Barker takes aim at the most well-established assumptions. Commonly held beliefs about everything from education to confidence to productivity are all shaken down in a ruthless pursuit of truth — however uncomfortable it might be.

Put simply, this book changed our minds.

Today, we’ll discuss three of the most “Holy Crap” insights this book offers. It’s less about debunking, and more about reconsidering, with a thoughtful, un-self-serious approach. Barker begs to differ, but he doesn’t preach. 

This subversion of all the classic assumptions isn’t just thought-provoking. It’s downright fun. Take a look at what you believe, and see what a little critical thinking can do to give you a better sense of how to achieve success. Click play at the top of the page!

Barking Up the Wrong Tree by Eric Barker
