About Omar Entrepreneurship Show

MBA2485 Guest Teacher – Robert Glazer – How to Identify and Refine Your Core Values to Build a Better Business

Curious about what truly defines your business and sets it apart from the competition? Struggling to attract the right customers or build a cohesive, motivated team? The answer might lie in something you haven’t fully considered yet—your core values.

In today’s episode, we’re joined by Robert Glazer, founder of Acceleration Partners and best-selling author, who will teach us the critical importance of identifying and refining your core values to build a stronger, more aligned business. Through actionable steps, Robert will guide you on how to pinpoint what you stand for and why it matters, ensuring your business decisions are in sync with these core principles. Don’t miss this essential lesson that could transform how you lead your organization.

Tune in now to unlock the key to building a better business through the power of core values. Hit play!


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About Omar Entrepreneurship Show

MBA2484 7 Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring an Agency

Thinking about hiring an agency to boost your business but worried about making the wrong choice? Hiring an external agency can be a game-changer, but it also comes with its own set of risks. How do you ensure you select the right agency that aligns with your needs and goals?

In this episode, Omar guides you through the 7 critical mistakes to avoid when hiring an agency. Drawing from over 20 years of entrepreneurial experience and dozens of agency dealings, Omar shares invaluable insights to help you make informed decisions. By understanding your own needs, asking for relevant success examples, considering time zones, and ensuring cultural fit, you can avoid costly pitfalls and make the most out of your partnership with an agency.

Don’t miss out on this essential episode! Tune in to learn how to sidestep common hiring mistakes and make the best choice for your business. Follow the show on your favorite podcast app and press play!


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MBA2483 Q&A Wednesday: What do I do when things aren’t working in my business?

Have you ever found yourself staring at your business metrics, wondering why growth has stopped and what you can do to turn things around? Experiencing the frustrating peaks and valleys of a feast or famine cycle? You’re not alone, and today’s episode is just for you.

In this Q&A Wednesday episode, Omar tackles a critical question from AJ, who is grappling with a plateau in his online catering business. Omar breaks down the essential yet often overlooked strategy of implementing reliable systems in your business. From effective marketing and sales funnels to consistent customer acquisition techniques, Omar offers tough love advice and actionable insights that can help resurrect any stagnant business.

Don’t miss out on this invaluable advice—whether you’re struggling to maintain growth or simply want to future-proof your business practices, this episode is packed with the strategies you need. Hit play, and let Omar guide you through building the systems that can bring your business back to life and keep it thriving.


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About Omar Entrepreneurship Show

MBA2482 Must Read: The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene

Ever find yourself puzzled by human behavior and wonder what really drives people’s actions? Have you considered how a deeper understanding of human nature could transform your approach to business and life? If you’re curious about what makes people tick and how you can leverage this knowledge to your advantage, this episode is for you.

In this episode, Omar dives into “The Laws of Human Nature” by Robert Greene. Omar shares his favorite insights from this remarkable book, shedding light on the complex psychological underpinnings that govern human behavior. From the law of irrationality to the law of generational myopia, discover how mastering these principles can elevate your entrepreneurial game and improve your relationships both personally and professionally.

Don’t miss out on this deep dive into one of Robert Greene’s most profound works. Tune in to learn how you can apply these timeless laws to achieve greater success in your business and life. Click play!


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The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene

About Omar Entrepreneurship Show

MBA2481 How To Stay Motivated Everyday

Struggling to stay motivated in your everyday business endeavors? Finding your drive to achieve success wavering day in and day out? If so, you’re not alone. Join Omar as he delves into how to maintain consistent motivation.

In this episode, Omar shares insights on the underlying reasons behind a lack of motivation, how to tap into intrinsic motivators, and the importance of having a strong sense of purpose to fuel your drive. Discover why external motivation is not enough to sustain your motivation in the long run and learn practical strategies to keep your momentum going, even when faced with challenges or complacency.

Don’t miss this valuable episode that will empower you to stay motivated every day in your business and beyond. Stay focused, driven, and energized on your entrepreneurial journey. Hit play and start boosting your motivation today!


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MBA2480 Q&A Wednesday: How to ask someone in your network for something?

Looking to expand your network and learn how to effectively ask for support or introductions from contacts? Want to navigate the fine line between seeking assistance and maintaining genuine relationships in your professional circle? If so, this episode of The $100 MBA Show is a must-listen!

In this episode, Omar addresses a common concern raised by a listener about approaching contacts for help within your network. Explore practical strategies and valuable insights on how to confidently seek assistance or collaborations without compromising the integrity of your relationships. Learn from Omar’s personal experiences and expert advice on building and leveraging your network effectively.

Ready to enhance your networking skills and master the art of asking for support within your professional circle? Tune in to this episode to gain invaluable tips and strategies on how to navigate the dynamics of requesting assistance or introductions from your contacts. Press play!


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MBA2479 The Hardest Part of Becoming an Entrepreneur

Have you ever wondered what the hardest part of becoming an entrepreneur is? In this episode, Omar dives into the toughest challenges that entrepreneurs face on their journey to success.

Omar discusses the significant personal growth and transformation required to navigate the entrepreneurial landscape. He shares his own experiences and practical strategies for overcoming the mental and emotional hurdles that can make or break your entrepreneurial dreams.

This episode focuses on the crucial mindset shifts and identity changes that aspiring entrepreneurs must embrace. From dealing with self-doubt to managing uncertainty, Omar provides actionable steps to help you tackle these obstacles head-on.

Don’t miss this deep dive into the hardest part of becoming an entrepreneur. Tune in for valuable insights and advice on how to overcome the most challenging aspects of the entrepreneurial journey. Hit the play button on your favorite podcast platform and get ready to conquer your biggest entrepreneurial challenges today!


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