
MBA775 Four Things to Avoid When Dealing with Customers [REBROADCAST]


What keeps customers loyal? What inspires them to bring more customers your way? Keeping the people who pay your bills happy takes some mindfulness. It also takes a conscious effort to avoid the slip-ups that plague so many inexperienced business people. Today we’re rebroadcasting a fantastic episode from the archives about the worst customer relations pitfalls. These are the things we wish someone had told us when we started, so we dusted them off for all our newer listeners to hear, and our older listeners to be reminded of. Click play!


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Northeastern University MS In Innovation

Northeastern University’s D’Amore McKim School of Business offers the master’s degree for corporate entrepreneurs – the MS in Innovation. This program – available 100% online and completed in just one year – is designed to develop leaders and change agents within the corporate setting. Northeastern is now accepting applications for its January cohort of online Innovation students. Get started today by visiting

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MBA774 How to Build Relationships with Sponsors


Sponsors aren’t just sugar daddies there to pay the bills in exchange for exposure. Ideally, they’re your partners in serving your audience. Today we discuss how sponsorship shouldn’t just be a transaction. It should be a relationship. Like any relationship, it has to be nurtured. But like any relationship, the long-term rewards are worth the effort you put in. Listen in- click play!


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Today’s Sponsors:

Web Hosting with Unlimited Disk Space,
Bandwidth and 24/7 Technical Support.
All $100 MBA listeners get 30% off hosting!
Just visit!

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Heroic Public Speaking


MBA773 Knowing When To Quit [REBROADCAST]


Are you a quitter? Depending on the context, that might not be a bad thing! Giving up on what clearly doesn’t work allows you to focus on what does. While determination is an essential ingredient in entrepreneurship, clinging to a sinking ship is more stubbornness than determination. Today we discuss the signs that it’s the right time to throw in the towel, and how doing so can be the best move you can make. This is a rebroadcast episode from our early archives, made specially available to all our listeners because it’s just that good! Click play!


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Today’s Sponsors:


PerformaSleep is the absolute best mattress designed specifically for those with an active lifestyle. If you’re nervous about buying a mattress online, feel confident you can try PerformaSleep for 100 nights risk-free with free returns and no annoying salesperson lingering over you while you test it out! Mattresses start at just $525 and just for our listeners, take $125 off plus free shipping! Just head over to and use code mba.


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Entrepreneurship Leadership Marketing Uncategorized

The 10 Causes of Online Business Failure (Part II)

Welcome back to our breakdown of the profit-killingest, motivation-destroyingest, dream-crushingest causes of online business failure. If you haven’t, read Part I of our top 10 list before continuing here. If you have, get ready: these last 5 are the ultimate doozies, the things that shatter more would-be successes than anything else. I’ve seen them all done. I’ve done a few myself. By being aware of them, you can choose not to.

  1. Lack of Fundamentals

Yes, entrepreneurs come from all kinds of educational backgrounds, including little formal education at all. However, trying to run a business without the basic skills necessary is a fool’s errand. No one is born with the fundamental knowledge and abilities that are prerequisite to success. At some point, you’ve got to learn what you’re doing.

Salesmanship, marketing, content production, SEO, scheduling, budgeting…the list goes on. No, you don’t have to learn them all at once. No, it doesn’t require formal business training. Yes, you can learn much of it as you go along— but learn it you must, and sooner rather than later. Good business is the result of a skill set, not just the inevitable outcome of a great product idea. It takes a leader, and one who knows what they’re doing.

  1. Lack of a Business Plan

That is to say, a specific, written proposal as to how you plan to profit. This plan doesn’t need to include all the details— a page will suffice— and it can be subject to change based on realities in the field. But there has to be a well-thought out mission based on a plausible approach. It has to include who you intend to serve, and how you can serve them in ways others can’t. It has to include a path to viability and profitability. And it has to be brought out from inside your head into the real world.

Download our website’s super-easy one-page business plan template at It’s free, it’s simple, and it can show you how to think about your overall goals and long-term strategy. Without that context, you’re steering blind into whatever happens. Instead, aim true for what you want to happen.

  1. Lack of Personal Visibility

It’s the 21st century. Consumers today don’t shop blindly. They want to know where their products come from, how they’re made, and what else their money is supporting. More importantly, they want to know from whom the products come. They want to know you. Not letting them suggests you have something to hide.

It’s a reality of modern business in a hyper-connected, socially engaged marketplace. If you’re not comfortable being transparent and open, get out of the game now. It’s crucial to not only cultivate your brand, but to stand in front of it as a living, breathing person. Your marketing depends on your ability to be a relatable human capable of earning customer trust. Get comfortable on camera. Study public speaking. Learn how to express yourself. Whatever happens, don’t be shy.

  1. Doing it All On Your Own

A common misconception is that independence means being free from the input of others. In business especially, nothing could be farther from the truth. Being independent doesn’t mean being free from the support of (or even obligations to) other people in the industry. It simply means you get to engage on your own terms.

You can’t know everything, or have all the skills. If you’re a great content writer, you’re probably not also a tech expert and marketing whiz. It’s important to take advantage of the skills of others, to network and cultivate relationships that will strengthen your business. It doesn’t have to mean hiring actual employees; it could simply mean attending Masterminds or generally learning from your peers. But no one does business in a vacuum.

We all need a community, and we should all contribute to one. The only alternative is to get overwhelmed, frustrated, and burnt out from carrying too heavy a load.

  1. Comparison

This is it. The single worst poison that can infect the mind of an entrepreneur. Nothing destroys motivation, builds frustration, or takes the joy out of independent business like yoking your idea of success to other people’s performance. And without the joy, no one can sustain the effort it takes to succeed.

Your business can only ever be your business. Your goals can only ever be set by you. Comparing stats with other businesses will tell you absolutely nothing useful, even if it’s your direct competition. That’s because in independent business, you’re not trying to beat the competition. You’re trying to solve people’s problems in a unique way that only you can deliver. You’re trying to create a scenario where ultimately, there is no competition.

You’re seeking your own niche market, your own approach, your own goals and sub-goals. No one else is running in this race. You will never be able to achieve someone else’s personal best any more than they can achieve yours. Be the best at what you do. That’s you, and you alone.

Take this list and keep it in mind as you move forward with your business goals. Be aware of these 10 pitfalls, and know that we’re all susceptible to them. Invert them; make each potential killer a reversed reflection of your approach. Commit fully. Plan ahead. Take consistent action. Use social media only with specific marketing intent. Have the sense to learn the skills you need, and the courage to ask others for help. Be visible and real. Be yourself, and stay true to the vision that you create.

Do all of this, and your business can be one of the ones that makes it.


MBA772 Guest Teacher: Shama Hyder- Facebook Live and the Impact it Can Have on Your Business


Facebook Live is here! Today, we’ve got a special guest teacher to tell you exactly how you can take advantage of it. Shama Hyder is the woman behind, and she knows a thing or two about content. She’s also convinced that Facebook Live could potentially blow YouTube out of the water in terms of helping entrepreneurs reach new heights of exposure. She’s got specific tips on how best to use it to build your brand and your audience. Click play!


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Today’s Sponsors:


When you own a business, you need access to capital to keep your business growing – but getting funding can be time-consuming and frustrating. That’s where Kabbage comes in. Kabbage has supported 80,000 businesses with over two billion dollars in capital. Apply online, and you could access up to one hundred thousand dollars in minutes. Draw funds when you need them and only pay for what you take. Go to today and get a $50 gift card when you’re approved.


Whether you’re a seasoned business owner, or you’re looking for your first business, joining a franchise can be a great way to get a leg up on your competition. FranchiseHelp is here to connect entrepreneurs like you with franchises that can help your new business succeed. You can own your own business, but you don’t have to go at it alone. Visit to take our franchise quiz and find your next business.

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Follow @Shama on Twitter and visit
Marketing Zen


MBA771 Q&A Weekends: What options do I have for video content?


It’s easier than ever to produce and feature video content. But how can we add a little variety? That’s the question behind today’s listener Q&A, and we’ve got lots of answers. From live feeds to narration to animation, there’s lots of ways to spice up your content. You just need the right resources and know-how to do it professionally. Fortunately, we’ve got you covered. Click play!


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Today’s Sponsors:

Web Hosting with Unlimited Disk Space,
Bandwidth and 24/7 Technical Support.
All $100 MBA listeners get 30% off hosting!
Just visit!

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Simply Films


MBA770 Q&A Weekends: Should I start my business around a passion or a skill? [REBROADCAST]


It’s Q&A Weekend, and we’ve unearthed a classic episode from the archives that bears rebroadcasting! So many people are encouraged to “follow their passion” in business, but is that really the way to go? One listener seemed a little suspicious, and wondered if skill was more likely to produce success than passion. Good point! We discussed the reality behind what makes a business viable, and where passion fits into it all. Click play to hear this vintage ep!


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Today’s Sponsors:

Web Hosting with Unlimited Disk Space,
Bandwidth and 24/7 Technical Support.
All $100 MBA listeners get 30% off hosting!
Just visit!